About IRGC Terrorists Campaign

#IRGCTerrorists Campaign

Efforts to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation have gained momentum globally, with ongoing campaigns in the European Union (EU), United Kingdom (UK), Canada, and Australia. These campaigns demand the official designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organisation due to its involvement in activities that pose significant threats to regional stability, human rights, and global security. The designation would recognize the IRGC’s role in supporting extremist groups and its destabilising actions.

Designating the entire IRGC as a terrorist organisation entails categorising the entire entity as a terrorist group, subjecting it to legal and international frameworks specifically designed to combat terrorism. This designation carries significant political and legal implications, including criminalising support or engagement with the designated organisation, freezing its assets, and implementing measures to counter its activities. Until now, packages of sanctions have been adopted, targeting  specific restrictions and penalties to limit its activities and access to certain resources. These sanctions target particular individuals, entities, or sectors associated with the IRGC, such as freezing assets, imposing travel bans, or prohibiting certain types of trade or financial transactions. While both measures aim to curb the activities of the IRGC, designating it as a terrorist organisation typically represents a more comprehensive approach, involving a broader range of legal and political consequences.

The United States’ designation in 2019 was a significant step that brought international attention to the IRGC’s activities. More countries need to follow suit to develop a global consensus of treating the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Importance of the Campaign

The campaign’s significance lies in addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by the IRGC. The IRGC’s support for proxy groups and involvement in regional conflicts has perpetuated violence, displaced populations, and hindered prospects for peace in the Middle East. By advocating for the EU and other countries to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organisation, the campaign seeks to intensify pressure on the Islamic Republic by targeting the main economic source of the Islamic regime. This designation aims to limit the IRGC’s access to resources and discourage other countries from engaging with or supporting the group. This designation would send a strong message that the international community stands against terrorism and supports efforts to establish stability and security.

Benefits for the World

The campaign’s objective aligns with broader global efforts to combat terrorism and promote peace. By designating the IRGC as a terrorist organisation, the EU and other countries would contribute to global counterterrorism efforts, enhance international cooperation, and create a legal framework to hold individuals accountable for human rights abuses, acts of terrorism, and other crimes committed under the IRGC’s auspices. The designation would help protect victims and deter future destabilising actions by the IRGC, fostering a more secure and peaceful world.

Islamic terrorism has significant consequences for the entire world, extending beyond the loss of human lives. According to the Global Terrorism Index, Islamic terrorism represents the greatest terrorist threat globally, being responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks since the 2000s. In 2020 alone, it caused over 13,000 deaths worldwide. The impacts of terrorism are diverse, ranging from enduring psychological trauma to a loss of trust in government institutions and the exacerbation of tensions between communities. The economic costs associated with Islamist terrorism are also substantial. Terrorist attacks result in direct and indirect economic losses, including the destruction of property, impact on local industries, tourism, and foreign investments. The economic cost of Islamist terrorism worldwide was estimated at around $16.4 billion in 2019 (Source: Global Terrorism Index)

The global community benefits from the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organisation in several ways. First, it enhances international security by curbing the IRGC’s ability to finance and support terrorist activities. Second, it sends a clear signal to other state-sponsored terrorist organisations that their actions will face international condemnation and consequences. Third, it helps protect human rights by acknowledging and addressing the IRGC’s involvement in human rights abuses. Additionally, the designation fosters global cooperation and coordination in countering terrorism, as countries work together to disrupt the IRGC’s networks and prevent its illicit activities.

Support for Iranian Revolution and Fight for Freedom

The campaign’s advocacy for designating the IRGC as a terrorist organisation aligns with the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom, democracy, and human rights. The IRGC’s deep involvement in suppressing dissent, perpetuating human rights abuses, and impeding democratic progress within Iran has hindered the Iranian revolution’s objectives. By isolating and applying pressure on the IRGC, the campaign aims to support the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom and provide them with a more conducive environment to pursue their aspirations for a democratic and prosperous Iran.


Matters to Iranian People

The campaign’s call for designating the IRGC as a terrorist organisation resonates with the Iranian people who have long suffered from the repressive actions of the IRGC. The designation would not only contribute to addressing human rights abuses and curtailing the IRGC’s influence but also empower the Iranian people by diminishing the organisation’s grip on power. It would provide hope for a future where fundamental freedoms, civil liberties, and democratic values can thrive, aligning with the Iranian people’s aspirations for a more inclusive, transparent, and progressive society.